A large part of our strategy for The Right Stuff’s growth was to keep them laser focused on their target audience
50 K

Monthly Active Users

One of the best indicators of an app’s success. After being in the market for only 6 months.


New User Growth

We have seen, not just fast growth, but consistent growth. 15K new users month over month.


The Right Stuff came to us with a great idea to become a new kind of dating app, and enhance the overall dating experience. Our UX/UI design team got right to work on designing out the perfect experience for their audience. Simultaneously we started discussing their marketing strategy and associated creative that would go along with it. In short, we created a funnel strategy to catch all traffic and direct them to download the app after getting informed and educated on a streamlined landing page. After many creative iterations, we determined that a more humorous poke at the current dating landscape would be a memorable way to communicate the value and differences of TheRightStuff. Which is where we feature our explainer video. Their social approach, has kept with the same light hearted theme, poking fun at why certain guys get left in the dust when it comes to dating the right way.



Mobile App